Members of the Foundation Council

Christof Aegerter, 1972
Chairman of the Foundation Council
Studies: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, University of Zurich,
Professor of Physics University of Zurich

Aegerter-Wilmsen, 1976
Vice-chair of the Foundation Council
Studies: Molecular Sciences, Wageningen University,
PhD in didactics of molecular biology. University of Wageningen. Lecturer Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, University Zurich

Michael Hengartner, 1966
Member of the Foundation Council
Studies: Biochemistry and Mikrobiology at the University Laval, Québec, Canada, PhD-Studies at MIT, Cambridge, USA ,
Professor for Molecular Life Sciences, President of the University of Zurich, Laureate "Nationaler Latsis-Preis 2006"

Michael Oettli, 1973
Member of the founation council
Teacher Seminary in Kreuzlingen,
Studies of Physics ETH Zurich,
Lecturer for didactics of Physics at UZH and Physics teacher Kantonsschule Rychenberg. President of the Society for natural sciences Winterthur.
Honorary Members

Simon Aegerter, 1938
Honorary Chairman of the Foundation
Studies: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, University of Berne,

Irene Aegerter, 1940
Vice President of the Foundation Council 2001 - 2021
Studies: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, University of Berne,
Former Members

Urs R. Behnisch, 1959
Member of the Foundation Council
Studies: Law, University of Berne, London School of Economics,
Prof. Dr. jur, University of Basel, Attorney at Law / Partner Meyer Lustenberger, Zurich

Rüdiger Wehner, 1940
Member of the Foundation Council
Studies: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Universities of Frankfurt and Munich,
Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Zoology, University of Zurich

Hans Weder, 1946
Member of the Foundation Council until 31.12.2021
Studies: Theology, Universities of Zurich and St. Andrews,
Professor and former President of the University of Zurich

Urs Fischbacher, 1959
Member of the Foundation Council until 31.12.2021
Studies: Mathematics University of Zurich. Habilitation in Economics,
Professor of applied economics University of Konstanz, Director of the Economic research centre of the Canton Thurgau